Sunday, May 11, 2014

10 days! God is Good!

I have been in Sierra Leone for ten days now and I am sending the team I arrived with home today. Looking back on our time here together many things come to mind. It feels like the week has flown by and at the very same time it is hard to remember what life was like before. I would like to choose one experience to share but instead I will give a trip overview. We arrived late on Friday night settled ourselves in and went to bed. When we woke up the work commenced. Amazement is what we were filled with at the progress that had happened over the last six months. After a wonderful time of reunion ( it is always so cool that the kids remember our names and our families) we got to work, cutting and tying  steel. The day as full of hard work, laughing, hot sunshine, great conversation, and friendships formed. Sunday we had the pleasure of gathering with the local church,our hosts, Tom and Becky attend. What a refreshing time that was!  Monday through Friday we woke early and went to work. Some of the best and most rewarding times were the periodical breaks spent sitting with the kids at Margaret's asking and answering questions, learning who they are and their individual interests and lives. I have found that investment in people is so rewarding and lasting. I find it hard to walk away from those times. 
So, this team will go back and tell stories trying to put things into language that just can't be shared with words and pictures and the next team ( my family ) will come. I am bursting with joy and anticipation for the journey that is before us. 
This has been a fantastic beginning to my time in the wonderful country of Sierra Leone!

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