Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tickets & Passports!

Tickets & Passports!
We have received so much love and abundant blessings! 
The Lord continues to bless our family in inconceivable ways. 
Through many gifts and fundraiser t-shirt donations we were able to add to our savings and purchase our plane tickets! Yay God! Thank you to all those who have given! The Lord is truly multiplying your gifts like the loaves & fishes! 
We also had Isabel's 4th birthday in the time since I've last blogged. It's quite a blessing to see your four year old play at her party with her little friends. Watching her thank them for bringing something for her "Africa Jar" instead of receiving toys & gifts. 
We are watching our children grow in The Lord daily, such a blessing to my own heart.
I was also visiting with a teacher at school who has been talking with our children. She said Gideon came to school so excited asking "Do you have a passport? I do!!!" She wanted to know more & more about our work, where we were going & what we would be doing. Our children are inspiring curiosity and planting seeds in the hearts of those around them. Again Yay God! They are crazy excited about the adventure that awaits them! 
Our next step is the visit to the travel doctor for the children & acquiring their visas. 
As our time to leave draws closer we ask you to remember us in prayer, for our preparations, health and funds to continue to multiply. If you would like more info about our needs & how your family can bless us- I have updated the "help us Go" tab here on our blog. Sometimes our needs feel great- Thankful we serve a Great and Mighty God!!!

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